Race and the Priesthood


Excerpt from the LDS Race and the Priesthood 2014 essay: 1

‘In 1850, the U.S. Congress created Utah Territory, and the U.S. president appointed Brigham Young to the position of territorial governor. Southerners who had converted to the Church and migrated to Utah with their slaves raised the question of slavery’s legal status in the territory. In two speeches delivered before the Utah territorial legislature in January and February 1852, Brigham Young announced a policy restricting men of black African descent from priesthood ordination. At the same time, President Young said that at some future day, black Church members would “have [all] the privilege and more” enjoyed by other members.9


Excerpt from the Feb 5, 1852 speech by Governor Brigham Young in the Joint Session of the Legislature (footnote 9 referenced in the essay): 2

‘Now I tell you what I know; when the mark was put upon Cain, Abels children was in all probability young; the Lord told Cain that he should not receive the blessings of the preisthood nor his see, until the last of the posterity of Able had received the preisthood, until the redemtion of the earth. If there never was a prophet, or apostle of Jesus Christ spoke it before, I tell you, this people that are commonly called negroes are the children of old Cain. I know they are, I know that they cannot bear rule in the preisthood, for the curse on them was to remain upon the, until the resedue of the posterity of Michal and his wife receive the blessings, the seed of Cain would have received had they not been cursed; and hold the keys of the preisthood, until the times of the restitution shall come, and the curse be wiped off from the earth, and from michals seed. Then Cain’s seed will be had in rememberance, and the time come when that curse should be wiped off.’



1 LDS Race and the Priesthood Essay, 2014 – https://www.lds.org/topics/race-and-the-priesthood?lang=eng#9
2 Speech by Governor Brigham Young in Joint Session of the Legislature, Feb 5, 1852 – https://archive.org/details/CR100317B0001F0017